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Daily post

I hope everyone had a nice Mothers Day weekend. Been getting a little frustrated with Vancouver and Lulu Lemon. I was at Granville Island on the weekend...what a disaster! Nothing but tourists in their 'tourist' attire. It has never been that difficult finding style there (on the weekends). I know if it were a weekday I get awesome shots with all the artsy students who always impress me.
All I saw was Lulu Lemon hitting me in face EVERYWHERE! I know it's comfortable and it's the weekend, but seriously...STOP! We are the capital of Lulu Lemon and I've had it!

I have family in town from the States because I recently lost my aunt to cancer. This week will be very busy for me as I will be with family most of the time. So I'll be posting things at a much slower pace.
Sad times, but I can can deal with it.

So just keeping you all up to date and I thank you, once again for your support.


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