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Nanny Rose's DIY Waxing Kit

Hair removing is something that i have been doing ever since. It has been an essential & common ritual that i seem to keep on forgetting about making a post. I prefer waxing over shaving just because i think that it really makes the hair grow thinner in time. I also like the feeling of a freshly-waxed skin where the skin is quite sensitive that you get to feel the texture of the fresh-laundered bedsheet when you're about to sleep. hahaha!

I have been buying Wax Strips again & again. When Nanny Rose asked me if i would be willing to try out their product i said yes though i just had to tell them that i have been a fan of wax strips because it is very convenient & mess-free so i might be bias to it as opposed to their kit. They said that it would still be nice if i can experience their product nonetheless.

It took me a long time coming up with this post. hahaha!. I have been testing & testing it because i have a love-hate relationship with it. I'll tell you why later.
Let's get to know these products first.

Let me just say that this is one of the cutest packaging that i have ever seen! It's so simple & without the feeling of the professional/commercial-look that makes it stand out among others.

It is a kit which means that you can purchase & use both of them after the other.

You can read to your heart's content about both of them.
This is the description from the hair remover...

This is for the After Wax Salve...

This is how they look like out of their boxes...

The wax box kit has 2 wooden spatulas & 3 reusable cloth.
The thought of it being reusable is nice because it would actually save you money (no need to buy those wax pulls) & less garbage.... but i think i prefer using pulls just because this cheese cloth makes waxing so messy & sticky! I immediately hated it! Good thing that i have excess pulls the time that i used this so it was better. hahaha!

Let's go on to the wax itself. Once you open it the sweet scent of honey will tease your nose. It's a honey wax,of course!

For those who love the scent of honey you have to have this. it looks & smell like honey that i was tempted to even taste it. haha!

It's said that you can use it hot or cold. The 1st time time i used this was cold because i was at home & we don't have a microwave here. The next time i went to my parent's house just to be able to use it hot. I don't think it makes that much of a difference though.

Anyway, here is how it looks like when you slather it on your skin...

You'll see all those hairs that are waiting to be pulled out... then i use the included reusable cloth for pictorial purpose only.. haha! told ya that i like the pulls better.

Once you pull it, the hairs will be removed but you'll be left with the sticky feel of it.
gahhh!!! I don't like the after-feel of it!

Yes, it's hair-free but the sticky feeling is just something that i can't abide.
I prefer not to wet my skin after waxing just because i think it's not a good idea to introduce water immediately to the open pores (it's just my personal preference). I would wait for a couple of hours before i take a bath or do anything wet after waxing. That's why i do my waxing after bathing. But with this, i just had to wash my skin with water upon using.

I like how it leaves my skin smooth & soft after (is it because of the honey?) compare to wax strips but the stickiness is preventing me from liking it.

Compare to wax strips that includes the cleanse-off wipes to get rid of excess wax, this one doesn't. It only includes the after wax salve & i'm not sure if i have to actually use it even if my skin is all sticky. I just have to rinse the wax off by washing it & that doesn't sit well in my vocabulary as what i said.

Speaking of the After Wax Salve, I'm sorry but i can't find my pictures of it. :(
But anyway, it's white & it has this easy-to-absorb lotion-like texture which is nice. It makes the skin soft after use. I like it! Maybe if you'll ask me what i like better between the two, i'll choose the salve over the wax..hahaha!

I can't remember the price of this in Watsons so i'll just update this post once i'm sure of it but then it's not that expensive to start with.


  • locally available
  • uses natural ingredients
  • if you're a honey-lover you'll simply adore this
  • it works
  • can be used hot or cold
  • leaves skin smooth after waxing
  • leaves a sticky residue!
Will i buy it?

I guess i could buy the Salve, if it's available for separate purchasing, but not the wax itself.
Don't get me wrong, the wax is great!It leaves skin smooth & soft compare to wax strips but i just can't abide the stickiness!

As what i said, you love honey, you just have to try it! It smells heavenly! hahaha!

I might not be able to post much because i have loads of classes but i do make it a point to read blogs even if i am not able to leave comments.

Hope you are enjoying the long holiday, ladies!
Jaa ne~!

Product sent as sample. I did not receive any monetary compensation for this post. Opinion shared is personal view & is no way influenced by the company. Use at your own discretion.

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