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Franken Polish:holographics + get to know the SM Accessories ambassadors

I do hang out at instagram most of the time & a dear friend tagged me about my workstation. At that time it was a mess but still decided to take a picture of it anyway. As i did so, i just felt like making holographic polishes when i caught a glimpse of my spectraflair so i made 4!

Actually it's more like 5..hehehe

My camera is just not cut out for capturing holographic polishes but i did try... I don't want to sound arrogant or something to that effect but my polishes look way better than the pictures. hehehe

I didn't even dare watermark it for fear that doing so may somehow affect the quality of my already-poor-image. I haven't named them yet though. I would have to think of a name. Y'all know that i suck at naming. hehehe

left to right: violet,green,blue & red

It's so difficult to take pictures... i don't want to tweak my settings just to improve the quality because i feel that i will be cheating not just you but also myself...

I made a short video to show how they look like... but i didn't realize that if i uploaded it on youtube its gonna look darker. :(
it's like a waste of time...