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It's been a while since we have had a celebrity wear a complete stinker of an outfit - but Beyonce has graciously stepped up to the mark to allow us something to complain about.
I will forgive her a little because she has a small child and no time to be picking out her best Prada get ups right now - but seriously.
What the fuck happened that she left the house with those trousers?????? Was everything else in her wardrobe covered in baby puke? From the waist up - the top, hat and glasses are okay. I mean I actually really like the glasses - but from the waist down...where to start?

Bobo the clown called - he wants his pants back.

She looks like the 70s crawled up and died on her.

This looks like something that the village vintage shop lady gives you for a fiver because she can't believe someone is that stupid that they would actually buy it. I hope Beyonce got one hell of a discount!!!! It looks like a home economics project for a bunch of stoned transition year students....

I would also like to point out that I can't see her shoe but I don't want to. I really really don't want to. It looks suspect.

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