Blue Sky Riders is a musical trio consisting of singer/songwriters Kenny Loggins, Georgia Middleman and Gary Burr. The band released their debut album, Finally Home, on their own record label, 3Dream Records, on January 29, 2013. Earlier today, Loggins announced that the trio is headed back into the studio to work on what they hope to be a sophomore crowd-funded album through Kickstarter.
Says Loggins, "Thanks for watching my video and giving me the chance to invite you to help me and my new band - Blue Sky Riders. As an artist, I’m thrilled there’s a way for me to make you a part of my newest musical journey. The business of making music is reinventing itself and this crowd-funding thing is just as cool for me as it is for you.
I’m launching this Kickstarter Campaign for a couple of reasons – to generate funding for recording our next album and to connect directly with the folks who love music enough to support its creation. As a band, we’ve come up with some cool ways to get you more involved: everything from your ideas for T-shirts to helping us name the new album. (And if you kick in some serious bucks we’ll even let you sing with us on a song). But it’s not just about the money, (granted that’s a BIG deal) - it’s about staying creative and vital by embracing the new way that music is made."
Loggins goes on to say that he, Gary and Georgia are also committed to engaging with their supporters through project updates, videos, social media interaction, and before/during their live shows. The band has created a pretty cool reward structure with music, autographed merchandise, behind the scenes video content, tickets to the launch-party show, sitting in on a recording session, and even the chance for the band to write a song just for you and yours.
You can learn more about the project that goes live later this month HERE.
Says Loggins, "Thanks for watching my video and giving me the chance to invite you to help me and my new band - Blue Sky Riders. As an artist, I’m thrilled there’s a way for me to make you a part of my newest musical journey. The business of making music is reinventing itself and this crowd-funding thing is just as cool for me as it is for you.
I’m launching this Kickstarter Campaign for a couple of reasons – to generate funding for recording our next album and to connect directly with the folks who love music enough to support its creation. As a band, we’ve come up with some cool ways to get you more involved: everything from your ideas for T-shirts to helping us name the new album. (And if you kick in some serious bucks we’ll even let you sing with us on a song). But it’s not just about the money, (granted that’s a BIG deal) - it’s about staying creative and vital by embracing the new way that music is made."
Loggins goes on to say that he, Gary and Georgia are also committed to engaging with their supporters through project updates, videos, social media interaction, and before/during their live shows. The band has created a pretty cool reward structure with music, autographed merchandise, behind the scenes video content, tickets to the launch-party show, sitting in on a recording session, and even the chance for the band to write a song just for you and yours.
You can learn more about the project that goes live later this month HERE.
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